Modeling the Origin of JOvian planets Alessandro Morbidelli - Sean Raymond (2018)
Astronomía Planetología
11 (+1)
+ 1
MOJO - Part 0/11 - Introduction Sean Raymond & Alessandro Morbidelli (2018)
MOJO - Part 2/11 - How common are Solar Systems Sean Raymond (2018)
MOJO - Part 3/11 - Why is Jupiter so much bigger than Earth Alessandro Morbidelli (2018)
MOJO - Part 4/11- Why is Mars smaller than Earth Sean Raymond (2018)
MOJO - Part 5/11 - Why is Earth so dry Alessandro Morbidelli (2018)
MOJO - Part 6/11 - Where did Earth’s water come from Alessandro Morbidelli (2018)
MOJO - Part 7/11 - How do super Earths form Sean Raymond (2018)
MOJO - Part 8/11 - Why Super-Earths cannot have formed “in situ” Sean Raymond (2018)
MOJO - Part 9/11 - Why aren’t there any close in Super Earths... Alessandro Morbidelli (2018)
MOJO - Part 10/11 - Unsolved mysteries in planet formation Alessandro Morbidelli (2018)
MOJO - Part 11/11 - Bonus - The Origin of (...) Oumuamua Sean Raymond (2018)
MOJO - Part 1/11 - Stages of planet formation current paradigms Sean Raymond (2018)
Meteorites: genesis and evolution of planetary bodies Brigitte Zanda (2022)
Geología Planetología
Impacts and their consequences for life Anna Losiak (2022)
The young solar system seen in small bodies and meteorites Josep M. Trigo-Rodriguez (2019)